Year 2018 Brazil


Restore a local watershed and improve habitat connectivity.



Community members from Pontal do Paranapanema report the following impacts:

Drying of rivers, springs and streams

Reduced crop production

due to drought, heat and pests

Reduced pasture

for livestock due to dry conditions

Increased human-wildlife conflict

and degradation of natural habitat

Brazil-building wildlife corridor-01
Brazil-building wildlife corridor


Participatory planning

Stakeholders chose a parcel of degraded land bordering the Black Lion Tamarin Ecological Station for reforestation.

Hiring of local contractors

Conduct soil preparation using plowing, sorting and manual removal of grasses/other exotic species.

Capacity building

Project organizers conducted lectures and training workshops in communities bordering the protected area.


Sourcing of seeds including both native and fast-growing pioneer species from local nurseries.


Through community mobilization, seedlings were planted at the start of the rainy season and spaced 6.5 feet apart, with 8 feet between each row.

Participatory monitoring

Project staff and stakeholders tracked the growth of planted trees and conducted maintenance, including site visits to perform ant control, prevent invasion of grasses and replant more than 200 trees to replace those that did not survive.

project outcomes

2000 tree seedlings (48 native species) planted

Over 600 community members trained on local conservation and tree planting techniques

project design

The Pontal do Paranapanema region has grown hotter and drier in recent years, making it difficult to grow crops and find sufficient food for livestock. Wildlife are also feeling the effects, with more venturing onto farms in absence of suitable habitat. WWF and the Institute for Ecological Research (IPE) joined forces to restore a local watershed and improve habitat connectivity through community-based reforestation. Once mature, a newly planted tropical forest will provide direct benefits to people such as water provision services, decreased damage from wind storms, carbon sequestration and protection from soil degradation. The new forest will also serve as an important habitat corridor for local wildlife, including the endangered black lion tamarin, as well as ocelots, jaguars, monkeys, and armadillos, and create a buffer zone for The Black Lion Tamarin Ecological Station.

Training on reforestation techniques, local nurseries supply seeds for reforestation