Educate students and community members on the impacts of climate change on agricultural systems.
Community members from Puerto de Santa Rosa report the following impacts:
Declining crop yields
due to more extreme temperatures and infrequent rain
Income loss
from agricultural declines
Reduced water availability
from lack of rainfall or rainfall storage capacity
Increased prevalence of pests and diseases
affecting crops and natural vegetation
Many people, particularly the younger generation, seeking off-farm employment or education, or migrating to cities or abroad

Installation of a school garden and composting system
The garden will grow produce for students and families and serve as a site for environmental education activities.
Collaboration with rangers at the nearby protected area
Stakeholders prepared materials and constructed a keyhole garden over the course of multiple weeks, planting seedlings in March.
Work session at the primary school
Teachers, parents and students helped clear space for the garden and moved donated materials.
Environmental education workshops
During sessions held twice a week, teachers instructed students on the basics of climate change and the role of plants as carbon sinks.
project outcomes
project design
Facing declining rainfall, many community members in Puerto de Santa Rosa have stopped planting crops. Climate Crowd partnered with a Peace Corps volunteer for this project, to provide climate change education to a local primary school and a visitors' center. Through the environmental curriculum, students delved into topics ranging from climate impacts on agriculture to nutrient recycling. Hands-on learning opportunities provided students and community members with skills and insight into climate-resilient agricultural practices during intensifying dry spells.