Mitigate the impacts of severe flooding of the nearby agricultural lands of riverbank communities by constructing a check dam with gabion wall reinforcement and carrying out plantation of vegetation with high root anchorage capacity that stabilizes the soil.
Climate Impacts
The following impacts were reported by community members in the Kamdi Corridor:
• Decreased availability of freshwater
• Prolonged dry spells and erratic rainfall
• Increased flooding
• Migration out of settlements and property damage from severe flooding
• Loss of crops due to sedimentation from flooding

Site selection
A detailed site survey was conducted to assess the environmental, social, technical, and economic situation of the proposed project location. Based on the assessment, a check dam with gabion wall reinforcement was selected for flood mitigation in the most impacted section of the river.
Equipment procurement
Seedlings, saplings, tools, and machinery required for construction of the interventions were procured. A consultant was also hired to oversee the construction process.
Site preparation
The selected site was cleared of invasive vegetation species and debris before construction.
Local community members were engaged to help with the construction of the check dam and gabion wall. The structures were built using gabion wires and rocks and were reinforced with plants that have high root anchorage capacity to stabilize the soil.
Community training
Awareness campaigns about the interventions were carried out to ensure local community members understood the benefits of the interventions. A select few community members were trained in the maintenance of the interventions, including invasive vegetation species removal and the monitoring of the interventions’ structural integrity.
project outcomes
project design
In Jabarpur village, located in the Rapti Sonari municipality in Nepal’s Kamdi Corridor, climate change is causing increased occurrences and severity of flooding. Balchhaiya stream, a tributary of the West Rapti River, regularly overflows during the monsoon season, carrying massive loads of sediment and water into downstream settlements and nearby forests and agricultural land. As a result, some households have relocated to the fringes of Sunkholi Community Forest, leading to more frequent interactions with wildlife and increased land conversion. To mitigate the destructive impacts of these floods, WWF Nepal is using bioengineering techniques to implement nature-based solutions that reduce peak waterflow and stabilize riverbanks.
Before deciding on which interventions to implement, detailed site assessments were conducted to determine what method would be the most effective and where the intervention would be most beneficial. From the assessments, it was concluded, in the upstream curved section of the stream, that a check dam should be constructed with gabion wall reinforcement. These interventions were chosen due to their cost-efficiency and environmental friendliness. Further, plantation of vegetation was carried out on the bank, helping to hold soil in place, and invasive vegetation was removed to further increase the interventions’ sustainability. These efforts work to stabilize riverbanks, reduce water flow intensity, restore floodplains, and manage flooding. This helps protect agricultural lands near the riverbanks, ensuring the livelihoods of 60 households, including members of the Indigenous Chaudhary community, while enhancing their resilience to flooding.